Begin. Align. Transform.

Begin your journey with us. Align your poses, feel the positivity, and watch yourself Transform into the vibrant, empowered person you aspire to be.

About Yogvidya

What is Yogvidya ?

Welcome to Yogvidya, your go-to online destination for holistic health education. We simplify timeless health wisdom into practical insights for your daily life. Whether you aim to enhance well-being, overcome health challenges, or explore classical yoga, Yogvidya’s is your guide. Our mission is to make the profound teachings of yoga accessible and applicable, empowering you on a fulfilling well-being journey. Join us as we bring the transformative power of classical yoga to life in the vibrant setting of.

Reverse 5 common modern lifestyle problems

Lose excess weight
Throw away stress & anxiety
Experience deep states of meditation
Get rid of neck, shoulder, back pains
Boost energy levels throughout the day

Upcoming Programs

22nd June 2024 2024 | ₹ 3000

Surya Kriya

This is a unique and authentic hatha yoga practice that incorporates aspects of yoga known as ‘Kriya‘ (Inner Energy Process). This gives this process a spiritual depth unlike any other hatha yoga practice. This means, as well as the immediate benefits one can derive, one can go far beyond this to bring a true transformation as a person and in their life.
23rd June 2024 2024 | ₹ 3700

Bhuta Shuddhi

A powerful yet simple ritual one can perform to cleanse the elements within the system. It is a powerful standalone practice for physical and mental wellbeing but also a wonderful support to prepare the system before doing other yoga practices.
23rd June 2024 2024 | ₹ 1000

Shanmukhi Mudra

A powerful yet simple ritual one can perform to cleanse the elements within the system. It is a powerful standalone practice for physical and mental wellbeing but also a wonderful support to prepare the system before doing other yoga practices.
23rd June 2024 2024 | ₹ 1500


Isha’s eye care programme offers a natural way through yogic practices to improve these vision related issues. The Eye Care Programme has been designed to correct these anomalies thereby giving us an opportunity to stop further deterioration of our eyesight, or the need to wear glasses or avoid the much invasive route of corrective eye surgery.
Why learn from us

Classical Hatha Yoga

Highly Trained

The classes will be conducted by highly trained teachers who have undergone a minimum of 1750+ hours of intense training at the Isha Yoga Centre in India.


There is ongoing support and practice sessions available to further refine and deepen your sadhana, enabling a person in the most fundamental way, to flower into their ultimate potential.


The practices are not taught merely for physical fitness and strength. They are a holistic process of naturally achieving a certain mastery over the body and mind, so as to come to a state of health, joy, and bliss.

Our Offerings

Flexible timings
Surya Shakti
Surya Kriya is an ancient and powerfully energizing Hatha Yoga practice to activate the ‘fire within’, leading to enhanced levels of energy.
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Bhuta Shuddhi
A powerful yet simple ritual one can perform to cleanse the elements within the system.
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The word asana literally means a posture. Out of the innumerable asanas a body can assume, 84 have been identified as Yogasanas, through which one can transform the body and mind into a possibility for ultimate wellbeing.
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If you want to go a step beyond fitness to live a fuller experience of life, then you need mastery.
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Surya Kriya
Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete inner wellbeing.
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Derived from the words “Thorpe” meaning hands and “Karanam” meaning ears, Thoppukaranam is an ancient Yogic process which is improves the concentration of the mind.
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Jala Neti
Jala Neti is a simple but effective process of cleansing the nasal passages with salt water using a copper jala neti pot designed by Sadhguru.
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Children Surya Shakti
Surya Shakti is a system of fitness, strength and agility for children. With the help of this powerful process it gives the child a possibility to blossom naturally into a complete and joyful being.
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Yoga Namaskar
A powerful process, Yoga Namaskar has all-around benefits for the entire body, including activating the lumbar region of the spine in a tremendous way to regenerate and protect the spine as one ages.
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In the yogic culture, the entire existence is seen as a complex amalgamation of sounds. The three root sounds that come out of this are “Aa”, “Oo” and “Mm”. Uttered together, these form “Aum”.
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This programme is open to ages 14 and above. Please come on a light stomach condition: Finish a meal 2 and a half hours prior to the class, cigarette 1.5 hours before the class or a beverage 1 hour before the class.
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The combined effect allows one to breathe more easily and efficiently. Due to its particular effectiveness on the respiratory system, the Bhastrika kriya provides relief from Asthma, Allergies & Sinusitis.
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Isha’s eye care programme offers a natural way through yogic practices to improve these vision related issues.
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During these unusually challenging times of a global pandemic, having robust immunity and a well-functioning respiratory system is of paramount importance. Sadhguru has specifically designed.
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Our Participants Say !

Our studio space 🌸

Trained & Certified Teacher

Viruj Tambe
In very initial stage of his life, natural urge to know the essence of life has sprouted within himself which took him on a journey of self exploration. In this quest, he reached many spiritual organisations until his encounter with ‘ Mystic Eye’ book by Sadhguru, which shook him to his very core. Touched by this, in 2015 he did Inner Engineering, Isha’s flagship program after which he experienced very profound changes. His longing to introduce people to Isha programs was very intense. Later in 2016 in one of Sadhguru’s satsang he mentioned ‘ if you want to share these practices, come forward and become teacher, don’t wait for others to make things happen’. This made him to enrol into 2000 hours of intense Hatha yoga teacher training program at Isha Foundation in the same year. Later in 2017 he founded Yogavidya stationed at Aurangabad to share this tools of self transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

90% of participants at Yogvidya are first timers and have reaped the benefits. We ensure to give the necessary asana modifications needed at individual level
  • Early morning: 06:00-07:15 AM
  • After sunrise: 07:30-08:45 AM
  • Super Moms: 09:00 to 10:15 AM

flexible timings option available*

In workshops, we meticulously teach the practice. Once you’ve learned the practice, you do it daily and perfect it in guided classes in presence of a teacher.
No limit. You can do self-practice as long as you want. We have participants who spend 3-4 hours completing all of their practices. The guided classes are 75 minutes.
Not necessarily. Guided class batches are a support for you to build a certain discipline and regularity where a teacher guides you daily. Once you’ve developed the discipline, you can do self practice in a time-window that works best for you.
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